The sleep habits of bees are remarkably well-documented, and there are striking similarities between honey bee and human sleep behaviors. Honey bees typically sleep in shifts at night in the...
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Bee skeps are a traditional and iconic beehive, typically constructed as an upturned, woven basket under which bees build their colonies. Their design is simple and organic — you can even make one...
Honey bees are essential crop pollinators, and the FDA estimates that around $15 billion of added value is created through bee pollination of crops. Meanwhile, yellow jackets are wasps. While they...
The horizontal beehive, similar to the Langstroth hive, is a commonly used hive type that offers both advantages and disadvantages. While providing the beekeeper with easier access and less weight to...
Mordern manmade beehives are made from wood frames filled with wax honeycomb cells for storing honey, pollen, and larvae. The most common types of wood used to create bee hives are cedar, cypress,...
Honeybees remain in their hives in their home territory during the winter. They do not truly hibernate, but engage in activities to keep the queen warm in the hive. Other species of bees have...