2 Steps To Prevent Honey Crystallization 1. Store honey in a room temperature area & out of direct sunlight. 2. Store in glass jars, rather than plastic containers. That’s it. No...
Category: Honey Production
The history of beekeeping dates back to prehistoric times using pottery vessels. Egyptian art depicts beekeeping as a common practice as well. It's safe to say that beekeeping is one of...
Smoking bees is the primary technique beekeepers use to manage their colonies during inspections and honey harvesting. But what does the smoke really do to the bees? In this post, we cover...
There are over 300 different types of honey. From Jarrah, lavender, rosemary, and heather, you'll find many unique flavors, floral notes, nutrients, and other health benefits from these varying types...
Buying Bees: How To Get Honeybees & Introduce Them To Your Colony
Populating your beehive is a common activity for beekeepers. Colonies often die, or the queen may need to be replaced, making it your responsibility to introduce your hive with additional bees. In...
What Do Bees Eat? A Bee’s Diet & How To Keep Your Hive Healthy
The most common food bees eat is nectar, pollen, and the honey they produce. They also consume royal jelly, which is a milky secretion from young worker bees. Other supplementary foods used by...